Testing, testing!

Dear Families,

These first two weeks have been very busy for students in ELL because we are….testing!  That’s right, a test on the first week or two of school!  🙂  There is one main test that all ELL students take in the spring called the ELPA test.  This is required by the State of Michigan. However, if you are new to our district, or have never been tested for ELL before, you also take a shorter version of the ELPA test in the fall!

We have many new ELL families to Hudsonville this year (YAY!  and Welcome!!), which means we have been doing a lot of ELPA tests.  The ELPA test wants to know these things:

  • How well do you LISTEN to directions or stories in English?
  • How well do you SPEAK in English?
  • How well do you READ and understanding what you’re reading in English?
  • How well do you WRITE in English?
Today was the last day of fall ELPA testing!  Now that it is finished, we are able to find out the specific areas where each student needs to improve in his/her English skills.  We also will get to work right away preparing for the MEAP test, which is another state test that EVERY student takes in October.
Also, make sure to check out My Schedule tab on the top of my blog.  Not only have I been busy testing, but busy figuring out the best time to work with every school and student!
I can’t wait to get working with you!
-Mrs. Van Haitsma

EL at Hudsonville

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