Parent and Teacher Resources


Are you looking for ways to help your child with their homework? The U.S. Department of Education has provided a document called “Homework Tips for Parents.” Click here to access this helpful resource.

Included are general homework tips, reading homework tips, and math homework tips.

Haga clic aquí para accesar la publicación “Consejos prácticos para los padres sobre la tarea escolar” en español.


Google Translate is a very helpful resource for translating information to be sent home to families, but if you are looking for a way to efficiently translate entire documents, we recommend trying the website DocTranslator. DocTranslator uses Google Translate to translate Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and pdf files while maintaining much of the original document’s formatting.

To use DocTranslator, visit their website and select the languages you want to translate from (English) and to (Spanish, Vietnamese, etc.) at the bottom. Then, upload or drag and drop your file. Click the orange “Translate” button, and your translated document should download automatically. You can then save this document to your computer and print or send to families.

If you have any questions about using this resource, please contact your building’s EL teacher.

EL at Hudsonville

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